Hearing Health: Let’s Talk About Earwax
- What is it
- Why to we have it
- What does it do
- When it becomes a problem
- What to do
1. What is it
What is earwax? Earwax or ear wax is a substance produced by the body to help protect and clean the ears. One of the body’s self cleaning mechanisms. For the most part works perfectly fine, however, certain factors can influence its make up and as such can cause problems. Earwax gets its name not because it is wax. Earwax is somewhat false as it is not wax at all, however, has a waxy texture, which is where the name comes from.
5. What to do
What to do when ear wax becomes too much of a problem. Is your hearing affected, does it cause discomfort? Turn to Deeside Ear Care who specialise in ear cleaning in Aberdeen.
Deeside Ear Care
Phone: 07513 821587
9-11 Inverurie Rd, Bucksburn
Aberdeen, AB21 9LJ